A downloadable game for Windows

Corsa Guerlédan is a racing game made for our final year at the University of Sherbrooke.

Directional arrows : Move the car
C: Switch between cameras
BackSpace: Retry from the last checkpoint
Del/R: Retry from the beginning
L: Switch car lights

Made with/ Réalisé avec:
C++ 20
DirectX 11
Nvidia PhysX

Thomas Bernier: Gameplay, 3D modeling
Hugo Genest: Physics, Engine
Jerôme Lecuyer: Rendering, Engine
Anaïs Trinquet: Engine, UI
Nicolas Ungureanu: Rendering, Gameplay


CorsaGuerlédan.zip 177 MB


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Your game starts at "1:45:22" in the video

My low-end setup struggled to run the game, but I really liked the mechanics. Hope to try it again on better hardware!